Playing the waiting game..

One of the many lovely things about being a doula is waiting on receiving a call or text from your client to say she thinks she might be in labour.  Sometimes it’s completely out of the blue when baby decides to make an early arrival, or usually it’s when mum has gone past her guess date and she is beginning to think that baby will never come!  I completely empathise with the parents once mum reaches the magical ‘guess date’, and then one day passes, another day and perhaps even a week….or two!  It can feel overwhelming as the family try to be patient and chilled, but really they are so excited at the prospect of meeting their wee baby that it’s difficult to keep emotions under control.  Seriously, how many times can you clean your house or keep filling up the freezer!  Just one more time!

As a doula, I am experiencing similar anticipation.  I often think to myself, if I just tidy this cupboard that I keep meaning to, then I’ll get the call……or if I just run a wee bit faster, then I’ll get the call…you get the drift!  Of course it doesn’t matter how many cupboards I clean, or how fast I run, the baby will come when it’s time.  I know that, but it doesn’t stop me from thinking like that as I play the waiting game too!